Friday, 27 September 2013

A Little Discretion with

I don’t think we can ever totally avoid being embarrassing parents. I can remember feeling embarrassed by my own parents – not a lot – just on occasion.

Only this week Emilia said “Mummy, don’t skip – you are embarrassing me,’ but generally I don’t think I unwittingly humiliate them too much.

In those sort of incidences it is a fleeting moment and is forgotten, but when I write about them... that is another story.

The kids give me a wealth of fabulous material and they like to think that people read and relate to what they do and say and find it the moment anyway.

At some point they may find it has become just plain embarrassing, so before that day comes I am giving them fictional identities on my new site

Chances are that if you read this blog you know our kids anyway and linking it from this site is not going to give them any real anonymity. However, perhaps by writing under my maiden name, I can welcome even the school bully among the readers and he wouldn’t necessarily make the connection.

This is the facebook generation here, so I doubt it matters to anyone that our family antics are public property. Kids are by now well used to their general cuteness and achievements being plastered all over their parents’ web pages to be seen by all and sundry. I can’t even begin to imagine how excruciating being a teenager is now, in the age of instant photos and social media – every bad picture or lapse in judgement , or hurtful comment recorded in web space.

Children’s internet safety is drummed into us from their schools, and while you don’t want to think too hard about what you are exposing them to with the potential dangers of the World Wide Web - if making a new site protects them in some small way, it has got to be done.

I hope you will still enjoy reading about these strange new kids.

For the latest postings delete the blogspot and instead go to 

Thank you