Wednesday, 8 February 2012

...and Lady Boys

I am now thinking it is Patrick I should be more concerned about. Last night he was stood at the kitchen sink washing his hands, wearing his school uniform and a pair of pink high heeled dress up shoes.

“I wish I was a girl “ he sighed.

I am hoping it was the extra height and not the shoes he was coveting. I think he was just enjoying how easily he could now reach the sink in his heels.

This cross dressing isn’t new to us – I have photos of Ben as a toddler in a Dalmation spotted coat and Mum’s heels, and at a similar age to Patrick, he disappeared upstairs and came down in one of Emilia’s dresses just to get a laugh.

We have never been gender specific about what they can and can’t wear or play with. I’ve never been keen on nail varnish on Emilia, and I am even less keen on it on Patrick. He went about with just one fingernail painted last weekend.

As far as the boys are concerned, they have generally stuck with their gender stereotypes in what they choose to play with. Although, I do remember once, when Ben and Emilia got to choose something out of the toy shop, while staying in Ireland, Ben, then 4, chose an Animal Hospital Ambulance complete with lady vet and injured swan, and Emilia, a ‘My Little Pony’. 

When we got back to Aunty Helen’s, it amused me to see, that Emilia was far more interested in the toy cars and road mat bought for cousin Jamie, and that Ben was enjoying playing with this lady vet. While Emilia was ‘brmming’ away, Ben remarked ‘Hasn’t the vet got beautiful hair?’

He reasserted his masculinity later though when I found him watching ‘Shed Heads.’
Me: ‘What are you watching Ben?’
Ben: ‘Just builders – don’t turn it off!’

I don’t actually mind what they play with, but that particular vet doll bothers me, I really think she should be wearing something under her white coat. What message is that giving really? I am not worried by nudity in dolls, whether in-anatomically or anatomically correct. I just think there should be consistency, why give her painted on pants and a sewn on skirt but naked bosoms under the removable coat? Surely she should have a t-shirt or something under there. Or maybe the coat wasn’t supposed to be removable...hmmm!

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