Friday, 23 November 2012

Christmas Un Fair

I think my Christmas cheer and goodwill is almost out and it is not even December yet. So far we have bought and sold raffle tickets (school and Brownies,) bought for and donated to three class hampers, signed up to help to run three different class stalls and decorated and filled goody bags with sweets and small toys to sell at the fair. The Friends of the School Association are also asking for homemade cakes, workplace donations, unwanted soft toys, games and DVDs and unused toiletries. These all have to be remembered to be brought in to school on different days.

On the way up to school one day this week, I saw the collection table and clapped my hand to my head;
“Arghh! forgot it was toiletries today” I said aloud.
“Toilet trees?” queried Emilia “Toilet...Trees!”

I am starting to think, either she has a very unique way of looking at the world, or she’s very thick. She has always been extremely literal.

On top of all these things to remember, last Friday, we had to bring in a bottle for the fair’s bottle tombola in exchange for the children going to school in Mufti. We have only forgotten Mufti day once, and fortunately we live close enough to the school, to realise on our way there and still have enough time for the children to run back home to change. 
There are worse things than wearing school uniform on a Mufti day, and that, as my friend discovered, is getting the day wrong and sending them wearing Mufti on an ordinary school day!

The children were also invited to wear something spotty that day and donate 50p to Children in Need. This is a challenge in itself, not so much for the girls, but we resorted to circular stickers on socks and gloves for the boys.

I am all for good causes and the ‘Friends of’ do an amazing and full time job putting it all together, however, we have not even been to the fair yet and I feel even less inclined to part with more cash, just so the children can buy all this rubbish back again.

Bah Humbug!

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