Wednesday, 13 March 2013

A Squash and a Squeeze Theory

People often think that having four children is a lot and ask how we juggle it all. It just depends what you are used to, if four is the norm then that doesn’t seem that difficult. It is all a matter of perspective, if you have two children, you may think we have double the work. That is only the case with a few things, like bedtime stories, (why I do them all individually I don’t know?) also reading homework and fingernail and toenail cutting.

My children’s nails seem to grow at a phenomenal rate. It seems I cut them all and in no time their nails seem to be long and dirty and it is time to do it again. When I actually counted up, I worked out that, including my own, I am responsible for 100 fingernails and toenails. No wonder it feels like I am constantly wielding the nail scissors.

It is all relative though. It is like the Julia Donaldson story of a Squash and a Squeeze; the old woman moans her house is too small and is advised to bring all her animals into her house one by one, until she really knows what a small house feels like. Once she shoos them all out, she appreciates her space again, stops complaining and is full of frolics and fiddle-dee-dees.

This is pretty similar to what goes on in our house and I am all for filling the house with people and animals anyway, but it has the added bonus of making us feel like a house with only the six of us is relatively peaceful.

Here is our own version of a Squash and a Squeeze, and you can see what I mean.

"With a couple of dogs to look after for Kate,
A house built for 6 feels crowded for 8.
Then bring in my nephew, my sister and Gran,
And other odd bods - what a curious plan!
Then count in my Dad  who is only one more,
But the house is a squash when you add in all 4.
And inviting in-laws in for coffee will mean
What was comfy for 12 is cramped for 14.
But when neighbour Dom appears on the scene
With the Scotts from next door – it’s gone up 19.
A ring of the doorbell brings kids off the street
So it’s 21 now  -  hope they don’t want to eat.
And as they traipse in with Bertie their cat,
The Jehovah’s witnesses call for a chat.
So what started as 6, is now 24
People and animals -  ceiling to floor.
My kitchen is bedlam but before it gets worse,
The visitors suddenly start to disperse
And gone are the godly, the kids and the cat,
And there‘s space once again in the room where they sat
And though it’s quite fun to have people around,
It’s quite roomy in here I’ve suddenly found
With relatives returned to homes nearby
I could swing a cat now, if I wanted to try.
Now everyone’s gone and we’re back down to 8,
With the dogs in their basket and now here comes Kate
And as soon as she’s taken the two dogs away
The house breathes a sigh as there’s now room to play.
With just 6 of us now it’s so quiet and I feel.
That having 4 children  is not a big deal
And we're full of frolics and fiddle dee dees
Our house is no longer a squash and a squeeze.”

I do love the chaos and I am really very happy to have this busy happy household of visitors, just so long as they are not queuing up for me to cut their nails.

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